

Autocorrected Destiny

A casual invite, an autocorrect, and suddenly Greg's in a whirl of unintended romance.

June 22, 2024

Panel 1: The Mishap Begins

Location: Greg's living room; Time: Evening; Lighting: Warm and cozy, dim light from a floor lamp; Camera Shot: Over the shoulder; Camera Movement: Zooming in slightly on Greg's phone screen; Characters: Greg; Emotion: Casual and relaxed; Pose: Sitting on the couch, hunching slightly over his phone, thumbs tapping away; Dialog: None.

Greg's thumbs danced on his phone screen, shooting off a casual invite.

Greg's thumbs danced on his phone screen, shooting off a casual invite.

Panel 2: The Unexpected Reply

Location: Julie's kitchen; Time: Evening; Lighting: Bright and cheerful, under cabinet lighting; Camera Shot: Close-up of Julie's phone screen displaying the message; Camera Movement: Static; Characters: Julie; Emotion: Excited and surprised; Pose: Standing near the kitchen counter, eyes wide, clutching phone; Dialog: None.

Moments later, a ping. 'Oh my God! Yes, Greg! I will marry you!'

Moments later, a ping. 'Oh my God! Yes, Greg! I will marry you!'

Panel 3: Greg's Realization

Location: Street outside, near a bar; Time: Evening; Lighting: Streetlights casting a soft glow; Camera Shot: Medium shot of Greg; Camera Movement: Zooming in on Greg's face; Characters: Greg; Emotion: Shocked and panicked; Pose: Standing still, staring at his phone with wide eyes, hand over mouth; Dialog: None.

Greg stopped in his tracks, heart pounding. What?!

Greg stopped in his tracks, heart pounding. What?!

Panel 4: The Clarification

Location: Bar entrance; Time: Evening; Lighting: Neon lights from the bar sign illuminating the scene; Camera Shot: Close-up of Greg's phone screen showing the exchanged texts; Camera Movement: Static; Characters: Greg; Emotion: Anxious but slightly relieved; Pose: Holding the phone up to his face; Dialog: 'Um, what? No, I meant drink!'

'Well, I kind of liked the first idea better. But drinks will do for now.'

'Well, I kind of liked the first idea better. But drinks will do for now.'