

Beneath the Ruins

Amidst a global war, a city's last survivors, hidden in a subway, must face the unknown above.

June 21, 2024

Clara is depicted leading the group through poorly lit tunnels of their subterranean refuge. The walls are lined with rusted pipes, and steam occasionally hisses out. Clara, with a determined look on her face, carries a small flashlight and a makeshift weapon. The atmosphere is tense; she is slightly ahead of Leo and Jules, who follow closely behind, clutching their own minimal supplies.

Supplies running low, Clara guides the group through the labyrinth.

Supplies running low, Clara guides the group through the labyrinth.

Close-up of Clara's face as she mutters to herself. Her expression is a mixture of dread and determination. Behind her, the dim lights of the tunnel give a haunting effect. Her grip on the makeshift weapon tightens as the tension builds.

'Time to see the sun again,' Clara muttered.

'Time to see the sun again,' Clara muttered.

The group stands in front of the large, rusted steel doors that lead to the surface. Clara is using all her strength to pry them open. Harsh daylight starts to pour through the opening, causing the characters to shield their eyes. Leo and Jules are seen readying themselves for the unknown.

After years in darkness, harsh daylight blinds them.

After years in darkness, harsh daylight blinds them.

Leo stands at the edge of the opening, looking out at the ruined city with a mix of shock and disbelief. In the distance, glinting figures moving with precision are visible. The devastated cityscape is spread out, showing buildings in ruins and overgrown with vegetation.

'What are they?'

'What are they?'