

Echo of Shadows

Vince, a clone of the master thief Vincent Vega, was created for science but seeks a life of his own, delving into his predecessor’s unfinished heist.

June 21, 2024

Vince stands in front of a cracked mirror in a dimly lit room. The reflection shows his tired, determined face, with hollow eyes glinting with a promise of chaos. He's holding a small device, the screen displaying a stolen dossier. The background is clinical, with various scientific instruments scattered around. The scene captures the intensity of Vince’s self-realization and plans for revenge.

Vince’s reflection stared back at him, eyes glinting with a promise of chaos.

Vince’s reflection stared back at him, eyes glinting with a promise of chaos.

Vince is now at a computer hacking into the lab’s mainframe, the screen flashing with lines of code. Sweat beads on his forehead, and his expression is a mix of concentration and defiance. Alarms start blaring in the background, red lights flooding the room. This moment is intense as Vince accesses classified information about Vincent Vega’s unfinished heist.

Last night, he hacked into their mainframe, stealing his own dossier.

Last night, he hacked into their mainframe, stealing his own dossier.

Vince is seen running down a sterile, metallic corridor, alarms blaring and red lights flashing above him. His face is set in a grim determination as he clutches a small backpack filled with stolen data and equipment. His steps are quick and calculated as if knowing exactly where he's going.

He fled, the rampant machinery setting off alarms.

He fled, the rampant machinery setting off alarms.

Vince exits through a heavily guarded door into the open night. The city lights in the distance contrast with the sterile environment he left behind. His posture loosens slightly, reflecting newfound freedom as he takes in the cityscape. The dark sky above suggests an uncertain future, but also endless possibilities.

With every step away from the sterile walls, Vince felt his own identity solidify.

With every step away from the sterile walls, Vince felt his own identity solidify.