

Hidden Danger

A teenager's unique ability to gauge danger reveals unsettling truths about the new kid at school.

June 21, 2024

This panel shows Jade walking through the crowded school hallway. The camera focuses on her perplexed face as she looks at the numbers fluctuating above everyone’s heads. The lighting is bright, typical of a school hallway with sunlight pouring in from large windows.

Jade scanned the numbers above her classmates' heads. Most stayed around a 2 or 3.

Jade scanned the numbers above her classmates' heads. Most stayed around a 2 or 3.

A close-up shot shows Jade's face turning pale as she notices the number 10 above Liam's head for the first time. Liam is standing in the background, blending in seamlessly with other students as he casually leans against a locker.

But then there was Liam—a solid 10.

But then there was Liam—a solid 10.

The cafeteria during lunchtime is bustling with activity. Jade is sitting alone at a table, her lunch untouched. The camera captures her looking nervously at Liam, who is approaching her with a friendly smile.

Despite the number, Liam approached her with a smile.

Despite the number, Liam approached her with a smile.

Liam is now standing beside Jade’s table, his friendly demeanor starkly contrasting with the ominous number above his head. The camera captures Jade's cautious expression as Liam speaks.

'We should hang out sometime,' Liam suggested as if a 10 was nothing.

'We should hang out sometime,' Liam suggested as if a 10 was nothing.