

Liar's Lament

Jasper wakes up with an uncanny ability to detect lies, only to discover his best friend of 20 years has fabricated everything. Including their name.

June 21, 2024

Location: Jasper's bedroom. Time: Early morning. Lighting: Soft morning light filtering through curtains. CameraShot: Close-up on Jasper. CameraMovement: Pull focus from Jasper's eyes to entire face. Character: Jasper jolts awake, eyes wide and unfocused, gripping the bedsheet tightly. Emotion: Shock and confusion. Pose: Sitting up abruptly in bed. Dialog: 'What just happened?'

Everything felt different as Jasper jolted awake.

Everything felt different as Jasper jolted awake.

Location: Jasper's kitchen. Time: Morning. Lighting: Natural light from a window. CameraShot: Medium shot. CameraMovement: Slowly pan right to reveal Jasper making coffee. Character: Jasper is standing at the counter, pouring coffee absentmindedly. Emotion: Distracted. Pose: Leaning slightly forward, looking at the coffee pot. Dialog: 'Why did it feel so real?'

As he navigated the mundane details of his morning, the feeling stayed with him.

As he navigated the mundane details of his morning, the feeling stayed with him.

Location: Jasper's living room. Time: Late morning. Lighting: Bright sunlight filling the room. CameraShot: Two-shot. CameraMovement: Zoom in slightly on Leo's face. Characters: Jasper, sitting on a couch, holding his phone; Leo on the phone screen, smiling lightly. Emotion: Jasper is visibly unsettled; Leo is casual. Pose: Jasper sitting straight, tensed; Leo holding his phone. Dialog: Jasper: 'You're lying, Leo.' Leo: 'Caught me. I'm actually at the park.'

A new, unsettling ability took hold as he spoke to Leo.

A new, unsettling ability took hold as he spoke to Leo.

Location: A local restaurant. Time: Lunchtime. Lighting: Slightly dim with ambient light from lamps. CameraShot: Close-up of Leo's face. CameraMovement: Pan back to reveal the table. Characters: Leo sitting opposite Jasper, leaning back casually. Emotion: Leo smiling cryptically. Pose: Sitting back in his chair. Dialog: 'My name isn't really Leo.'

The final straw came over lunch.

The final straw came over lunch.