

Primal Reversion

Evolution rewinds in New Manhattan: CEOs hunt fallen pretzels while tech geniuses turn primal. Elena, a beacon of humanity, finds the world reverting to its wild roots. What happens when we become what we always were?

June 21, 2024

On the shattered 91st floor of a former high-rise, Martha, a once-powerful CEO, is now crouched on all fours. Her business attire is ragged, and her eyes, filled with sharpness and desperation, scan every corner of the room. She spots a fallen pretzel near a broken computer monitor. Her hands, now dirt-caked claws, reach out cautiously. The low hanging sun casts eerie shadows, representing the remnants of a corporate empire gone wild.

In the hollowed out office, Martha's instincts took over.

In the hollowed out office, Martha's instincts took over.

In the shadowed corner of the same floor, Daniel, the former tech genius with a sharp mind, now appears wild and untamed. He watches Martha intently from a distance, with eyes that are a mix of hunger and wariness. His posture is tense, ready to spring or retreat, an alpha calculating his next move. The remnants of his once fashionable techy attire hang in tatters as he crouches low.

hunter or hunted?

hunter or hunted?

At street level, among the chaos and debris, a young girl named Elena clings to her mother's side. Elena’s wide eyes are filled with both fear and wonder. Her mother, who is unnamed, stands protectively, one arm around Elena, looking out into the distance with a resolute but haunted expression. Street signs lie toppled, serving now as primitive markers in this urban jungle. Vines and cables dangle from broken windows and street lights.

'What’s happening, Mommy?' Elena's voice trembled with confusion.

'What’s happening, Mommy?' Elena's voice trembled with confusion.

The sky is painted with the hues of a setting sun. Martha and Daniel now stand on opposing rooftops, outlined against the backdrop of a ruined skyline. Both seem ready for whatever comes next, primal yet aware. The urban jungle stretches between them, a chaotic playground of steel and glass. In the distance, faint howls echo, announcing the night.

As the sun set, they embraced the wild night.

As the sun set, they embraced the wild night.