

The Paradox of Tim

The time traveler meets his younger self, bringing advice and an unexpected twist

June 22, 2024

The Encounter

Young Tim stands in a dimly lit room filled with strange gadgets and blueprints scattered around. The air hums with anticipation as the time machine door slowly opens, revealing Older Tim stepping out. The contrast between their similar yet differently aged faces is striking. Young Tim stands frozen in shock while Older Tim wears a knowing smile.

You're kidding,' both said in unison.

You're kidding,' both said in unison.

The Realization

Young Tim walks around the time machine, examining the polished brass and intricate gears. Older Tim stands beside the machine with his arms crossed, watching his younger self with amusement. The room is illuminated by a glowing orb on the ceiling, casting a warm light on the scene.

Guess so.' Young Tim circled the machine.

Guess so.' Young Tim circled the machine.

Future Advice

Older Tim leans in close to Young Tim, who listens intently with an excited grin. The atmosphere is electric, filled with the whirring and clicking of the time machine. Older Tim's expression turns thoughtful as he whispers into Young Tim's ear.

'Invest in apples.'

'Invest in apples.'

The Departure

The time machine begins to whir loudly and emits bright flashes of light. Older Tim stands inside the machine, giving a final wave before disappearing. Young Tim stands alone, looking at the spot where Older Tim vanished, a look of deep contemplation on his face. The room now feels empty, filled with the lingering scent of ozone.

'Invest in apples?'

'Invest in apples?'