

The Spellbound Dilemma

When an ancient spellbook starts glowing, Maya faces an unexpected choice involving…a telemarketer? Intrigued? Read on.

June 22, 2024

The Call of the Unknown

In an ancient, dimly-lit study filled with dusty tomes, Maya stands next to an ornate wooden table with the ancient spell book open in front of her. Her eyes are squinting slightly at the glowing floating text emerging from the book while her phone buzzes insistently in her other hand. The room's atmosphere is heavy with an eerie blue glow emanating from the book.

The ancient spell book fell open, its words glowing and floating off the page.

The ancient spell book fell open, its words glowing and floating off the page.


Close-up of Maya's face as she winces at her phone. Her eyes narrow in frustration; she’s clearly annoyed by the interruption. The screen of the phone reads 'Junk Call' while the glowing letters from the book form strange arcane symbols above her head.

Maya winced as she tried to silence her phone—it was a junk call, of course.

Maya winced as she tried to silence her phone—it was a junk call, of course.

A Teasing Voice

Maya's eyes widen in surprise as a ghostly voice emanates from the floating letters. The room grows noticeably darker and colder, Maya's breath visible in the sudden chill. Her thumb hovers above the 'Answer' button on the phone, caught between curiosity and caution.

'Answer that if you dare,' a ghostly voice teased.

'Answer that if you dare,' a ghostly voice teased.

A Choice to Make

Maya stands at the precipice of an unknown adventure, her thumb still hovering over the phone screen. The ominous glow from the letters casts long shadows, and Maya's expression is a mix of curiosity and fear. The room feels like it's closing in on her, the dark and cold amplifying her indecision.

The room grew darker, colder. She gulped, her heart racing.

The room grew darker, colder. She gulped, her heart racing.