

When Earth Fades

As the last human stepped onto the Mars colony, Earth vanished from the sky

June 22, 2024

Setting Foot on Mars

Dr. Emily Vargas steps out of the rover onto the red Martian soil. The scene is expansive, with reddish-brown terrain stretching out under a pale, pinkish sky. The colony in the background is bustling with activity, with small vehicles and scientists scurrying about. Emily looks up solemnly at the alien sky, her face a mix of awe and weighty emotion.

She felt the weight of history as she stepped onto Mars, the last human departing from Earth.

She felt the weight of history as she stepped onto Mars, the last human departing from Earth.

Eerie Realization

Close-up of Dr. Emily Vargas's face. Her expression shifts from contemplation to one of slight alarm. The sky above her is mostly clear but has a faint, unsettling tint. Include subtle details like a small bead of sweat forming on her temple as she glances nervously upward, mouth slightly parted.

A whisper of ancient fears stirred as she noticed Earth's absence from the sky.

A whisper of ancient fears stirred as she noticed Earth's absence from the sky.


Dr. Emily Vargas holds her wrist communicator close to her face, her eyes wide with urgency. The communicator screen is visible, showing a blinking alert: 'Unknown anomaly detected'. The background is slightly blurred, putting the focus on her and the device.

Her heart raced as an alert buzzed on her communicator.

Her heart raced as an alert buzzed on her communicator.

Grim Revelation

A screen flickers to life, revealing Colony Control Officer James Lee's face. His expression is grim but resolute. The background shows the interior of the colony's control room, with various screens and blinking lights. His eyes are stern, and his lips are pressed into a firm line as he addresses Dr. Vargas through the communicator.

'Dr. Vargas, it’s already begun.'

'Dr. Vargas, it’s already begun.'