

Conjure magical realms and mythical creatures - bring your fantastical visions to life instantly!

Doorway to Wonders

Doorway to Wonders

An ordinary door in an alley reveals a hidden magical marketplace

The Forgotten Truth

The Forgotten Truth

Gale wakes up with no memories and starts anew after a supposed car crash. Ten years later, an old journal reveals a darker past she chose to forget.

Reflections of Truth

Reflections of Truth

Joe can see the real answer to any question in people's minds. It's fun until he asks a question to his mirror one day.

The Hybrid's Awakening

The Hybrid's Awakening

The dragon's egg began to crack open, revealing a pair of startlingly human eyes. Seraphina stepped back...

The Everflame's Guardian

The Everflame's Guardian

In the eternally snowy village of Frostfield, young herbalist Elara stumbles upon a magical snowflake that leads her on a daring quest into the perilous Winterwood to confront an ancient frost dragon and uncover the truth behind the Everflame.

Martian Whispers

Martian Whispers

Astronauts exploring Mars discover a hidden cave containing a human skeleton and a chilling note.

Midnight's Embrace

Midnight's Embrace

At the stroke of midnight, newfound powers surged

The Eternal Shadow

The Eternal Shadow

As the authorities lay out historical photographs, Alex can't fathom why they're in all of them—except one. An engaging, witty flash fiction tale of mystery and self-discovery.

The Howling Revelation

The Howling Revelation

Trevor's first full moon as a werewolf turns into a public spectacle during the town's fireworks display, leaving him exposed and terrified.

Game of Wits and Wagers

Game of Wits and Wagers

A group of friends mocks an evil wizard, who traps them in a board game. Their journey out requires more than luck.

Mind Games

Mind Games

Jenna's mind-reading ability was her secret advantage—until a mysterious voice in her thoughts declared, "Hello, Jenna."

The Spellbound Dilemma

The Spellbound Dilemma

When an ancient spellbook starts glowing, Maya faces an unexpected choice involving…a telemarketer? Intrigued? Read on.

Liar's Lament

Liar's Lament

Jasper wakes up with an uncanny ability to detect lies, only to discover his best friend of 20 years has fabricated everything. Including their name.

The Living Ghost

The Living Ghost

In a world where everyone knows their death date, Janet's has already passed, leaving her in a strange limbo. How does she navigate a life she technically shouldn't have? Read to find out.