

Email Catastrophe

Megan hits 'send' on a snarky email about her boss without realizing she copied the entire company.

June 22, 2024

The Email

Megan, seated at her desk in an open-plan office, her finger hesitates over the mouse button. Her eyes are fixated on the email she has just written, and beads of sweat form on her forehead. The semi-crowded office background gives a sense of normalcy, oblivious to Megan's growing anxiety.

Megan's finger hovered over the mouse button as if it weighed a ton.

Megan's finger hovered over the mouse button as if it weighed a ton.

The Click

Close-up shot of Megan's computer screen showing the sent email with the subject line 'I CAN'T TAKE ANOTHER CHEESY POSTER.' Megan's hand is still visible, hovering over the mouse, now shaking. On the screen, a flurry of notifications appear, some laughing emojis, others question marks.

The moment she hit 'send,' a sickening realization dawned on her.

The moment she hit 'send,' a sickening realization dawned on her.

The Onslaught

Megan's phone on her desk is buzzing uncontrollably with notifications. She looks down at it with a mix of dread and disbelief. Her laptop screen shows an email from HR with the subject 'Urgent Meeting,' and another unopened email from her boss.

Notifications popped up faster than she could swipe them away.

Notifications popped up faster than she could swipe them away.

The Tap

Megan is in the mid-action of closing her laptop, eyes wide and face pale, when she feels a tap on her shoulder. The faint outline of a person's arm is visible, the source of the tap. Megan's reaction is one of apprehension, her heart pounding visibly through her body language.

A tap on her shoulder pulled her back into reality.

A tap on her shoulder pulled her back into reality.