

Reflected Reality

Tom’s reflection smiled even though he wasn’t. The mirror’s secret startled him

June 22, 2024

Startling Morning

Location: Tom's bedroom. Time: Morning. Lighting: Soft morning light. CameraShot: Close-up. CameraMovement: Static. Character: Tom. Emotion: Confused. Pose: Standing in front of the mirror, staring at his reflection blankly.

Tom's mornings were mundane until today.

Tom's mornings were mundane until today.

Unexpected Encounter

Location: Tom's bedroom. Time: Morning. Lighting: Soft morning light. CameraShot: Close-up of the mirror. CameraMovement: Slow zoom-in. Character: Mirror Tom. Emotion: Smug. Pose: Reflected in the mirror, smiling and waving.

The mirror showed his reflection smiling back at him, even though he wasn't.

The mirror showed his reflection smiling back at him, even though he wasn't.

Mind-Bending Moment

Location: Tom's bedroom. Time: Morning. Lighting: Soft morning light. CameraShot: Medium shot, focusing on Tom and the mirror. CameraMovement: Slight tilt. Character: Tom. Emotion: Alarmed. Pose: Leaning closer to the mirror, reaching out to touch it.

'We need to talk,' it mouthed.

'We need to talk,' it mouthed.

The Switch

Location: Tom's bedroom. Time: Morning. Lighting: Soft morning light. CameraShot: Over-the-shoulder shot of Tom inside the mirror. CameraMovement: Static. Character: Mirror Tom. Emotion: Triumphant. Pose: Stepping out of the mirror, smirking.

His heart raced. This wasn't Animus' handiwork, more insidious.

His heart raced. This wasn't Animus' handiwork, more insidious.