

Shattered Reverie

In a world where dreams are the currency, Josephine must shatter others' aspirations to achieve her own. Tonight, a rumor changes everything.

June 21, 2024

Location: Reveria City Marketplace. Time: Dusk. Lighting: Warm but dimming. Camera shot: Wide-angle. Camera movement: Slight zoom in. Characters: Josephine. Emotion: Determined. Pose: Running with a satchel slung over her shoulder. Dialog: 'Catch me if you can!'

In the bustling city of Reveria, dreams glittered brighter than gold.

In the bustling city of Reveria, dreams glittered brighter than gold.

Location: Reveria City Marketplace. Time: Sunset transitioning to night. Lighting: Orange hues fading to blue. Camera shot: Medium shot. Camera movement: Steady shot. Characters: Dream Broker. Emotion: Frustrated. Pose: Pointing towards Josephine as she runs away. Dialog: 'There she goes, with stolen dreams!'

Josephine darted through the marketplace, her satchel heavy with a quilt of stolen slumbers.

Josephine darted through the marketplace, her satchel heavy with a quilt of stolen slumbers.

Location: Twisted Spire of Wishes. Time: Night. Lighting: Eerie moonlight casting long shadows. Camera shot: Low-angle shot. Camera movement: Tilt up. Characters: Josephine. Emotion: Anxious. Pose: Standing at the base, looking up to the Spire. Dialog: 'Tonight will be different.'

She’d mastered the art of breaking dreams beyond repair, but tonight was different.

She’d mastered the art of breaking dreams beyond repair, but tonight was different.

Location: Top of the Twisted Spire of Wishes. Time: Night. Lighting: Soft but slightly ominous glow. Camera shot: Close-up. Camera movement: Steady shot. Characters: Old Woman. Emotion: Curious. Pose: Standing with a gentle but firm stare directed at Josephine. Dialog: 'Come to steal my dream?'

Waiting at the top was an old woman, eyes filled with haunting familiarity.

Waiting at the top was an old woman, eyes filled with haunting familiarity.