

The Face in the Window

A chilling, supernatural experience as Jenny encounters a mysterious pale face at her window.

June 22, 2024

A Disturbing Presence

Jenny is in her living room, reaching for the curtains to close them. Nighttime outside, the room’s lights cast a warm glow. The camera is angled from behind Jenny, showing her reaching arm and part of her face looking worried. Suddenly, a pale face with a sly smile is pressed against the window from outside.

As she reached to close the curtains, a pale face pressed against the window from outside.

As she reached to close the curtains, a pale face pressed against the window from outside.

Unnerving Whisper

Close-up of the window, with the unnerving pale face clearly visible and fog building up on the glass as words are whispered. Jenny’s reflection shows her wide-eyed and stepping back in fear. The twisted smile on the face adds to the suspense.

'Did you really think you could hide from me?' a voice whispered, words fogging up the glass.

'Did you really think you could hide from me?' a voice whispered, words fogging up the glass.

Vanishing Act

Jenny is holding her phone, dialing 911, but looking out the window where the shadowy figure was. Her expression is one of disbelief and concern. The shadow outside dissolves into thin air, seemingly melding with the night as if it were never there.

Jenny stepped back, her mind racing. The shadow behind the glass dissolved into thin air.

Jenny stepped back, her mind racing. The shadow behind the glass dissolved into thin air.

Chilling Message

Jenny is looking at her phone screen, showing a close-up of the text message, which reads 'Jenny, it's time.' Her face reflects a mix of fear and confusion. In the background, the curtains are wide open, and her eyes remain fixed on the dark outside, where trees sway in the wind. She seems to be contemplating her next move.

She left the curtains wide open—eyes fixed on the night, waiting...

She left the curtains wide open—eyes fixed on the night, waiting...