

The Scratching Within

A night of strange scratching sounds inside the walls turns into a heart-pounding discovery.

June 22, 2024

The Midnight Scratching

Harold is shown sitting up abruptly in bed, bathed in the moonlight streaming through a partially open window. He is wide-eyed and his hair is on end. The clock on the nightstand reads 2:47 AM. The room is sparsely decorated with a wooden bed, a nightstand, and a few old pictures on the wall.

Harold sat up with a jolt, every hair on his body at attention. There it was again—that scratching sound.

Harold sat up with a jolt, every hair on his body at attention. There it was again—that scratching sound.

Following the Sound

Harold stands in the dimly lit hallway, his silhouette barely visible against the dark wood-paneled walls. His face is tense, his eyes wide, and one hand clutches his robe tightly around him. Down the hall, a faint, rhythmic scratching sound can be heard getting louder as he approaches the living room.

With growing dread, Harold followed the sound to the living room.

With growing dread, Harold followed the sound to the living room.

The Mysterious Wall

Harold is standing in the darkened living room, illuminated by a shaft of moonlight. He nervously runs his hand along the wallpaper where he heard the scratching. The grandfather clock looms ominously in the background, showing the time as 2:51 AM.

His heart pounded as the scratching grew louder. Was something inside the walls?

His heart pounded as the scratching grew louder. Was something inside the walls?

Hidden Door

Harold has peeled back the yellowed floral wallpaper to reveal a tiny, mysterious door. He stands frozen, hand outstretched towards the miniature handle. The scratching sound has stopped, and now there is an eerie silence. The tiny door has just started to creak open.

As he reached for the handle, the scratching stopped—but the door began to slowly creak open...

As he reached for the handle, the scratching stopped—but the door began to slowly creak open...