

The Winning Ticket

Jenna's heart raced as the lottery numbers matched. Ecstasy, doubt, and a suspicious text from the barista

June 22, 2024

The Winning Numbers

Jenna stands in her cozy living room, her eyes wide with disbelief as she stares at the lottery numbers displayed on her laptop screen. Her hand trembles as she holds a crumpled lottery ticket, matching each number with those on the screen. She is dressed casually, wearing a comfortable sweater and jeans. The room is dimly lit by the soft glow of a table lamp, casting a warm light over her tense expression.

Every number matched! Was this real?

Every number matched! Was this real?

Doubt Creeps In

Jenna paces back and forth in her living room, her face showing signs of doubt and hesitation. She glances at her phone, remembering the eccentric barista she met at the coffee shop where she bought the ticket. Her thoughts race, considering the possibility of a practical joke. The room remains unchanged with the soft, warm glow of the table lamp providing the only source of light.

Could it be another one of his pranks?

Could it be another one of his pranks?

A Chilling Message

Jenna stops pacing as her phone buzzes with a new message. She looks down at the screen with a mixture of fear and curiosity. Her breathing becomes shallow, and her hands grip the phone tightly. The message reads, 'Hey, it's your lucky day! Come back to the shop for a surprise!' The room’s lighting creates a dramatic effect, emphasizing her inner turmoil.

Her blood chilled as she read the message.

Her blood chilled as she read the message.

The Decision

Jenna sits down on her couch, her hand covering her mouth as she stares at the phone in her other hand, now dimmed to an auto-locked screen. Her heart is pounding, and doubt mixes with curiosity. She begins to weigh her decision, whether to confirm her win through the app or to go back to the coffee shop. The room's lighting remains consistently warm and dim, reflecting her internal conflict.

What if it's true? Should I go back?

What if it's true? Should I go back?