What's New
March 17, 2024

LlamaGen.Ai 0.24.0: Streamlined Comics Creation: Elevated Support and Print Perfection

    Hide Caption for Gripping Narratives

    Take your storytelling prowess to new heights with our innovative "Hide Caption" feature. Unveil your narratives panel by panel, building anticipation and leaving your readers on the edge of their seats. Craft gripping tales that captivate from start to finish.

    Turbo-Charged Script Generation

    Time is precious for creators, and we've turbocharged our script generation capabilities to save you countless hours. Generate compelling scripts at lightning speed, allowing you to bring your visions to life with unprecedented efficiency.

    Unparalleled Comic Quality

    Prepare to be blown away by the artistic potential of our AI-powered comic generation algorithms. We've taken comic quality to new heights, with visuals that are more vibrant, detailed, and awe-inspiring than ever before. Your stories will truly leap off the page.

    Seamless Support and Feedback

    We've added a "Bug Report" and "Contact Us" feature to the comic creation interface's sidebar navigation. Share your feedback, report any issues, or reach out to our dedicated support team with ease, ensuring a smooth and collaborative creative journey.

    Print Perfection

    Optimized layout for printing comics as PDF files, ensuring your masterpieces translate flawlessly from screen to paper. Experience the joy of holding your creations in their physical form, with every detail meticulously preserved.

    But that's not all! This update also includes:

    • Performance optimizations and bug fixes for a smoother creative experience

    We're committed to providing you with the ultimate comic creation toolkit, continually evolving to meet the needs of visionary storytellers like yourself. Share your feedback and ideas – we're listening! Get ready for even more groundbreaking features on the horizon.

    Comic Quality



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    Previous releases


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    Enhance Your Comic Creation with New Modal, Sticker, and Anime Styles

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