What's New
March 29, 2024

LlamaGen.Ai 0.31.0: Major Page Redesign, Immersive Mode, and Continuity Optimization in Scene Storyboarding

    We're thrilled to announce a significant update to our platform, bringing a host of new features and improvements to enhance your storytelling and comic creation experience. Here's what's new in this release:

    Major Page Redesign for Enhanced Immersion

    We've overhauled our page design to offer a more immersive experience. This redesign focuses on creating a seamless and engaging environment for both creators and readers, making storytelling more vivid and interactive.

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    Continuity Optimization in Scene Storyboarding

    Our latest update includes significant improvements to scene storyboarding, ensuring better continuity and flow between panels. This enhancement allows for a more cohesive storytelling experience, making your comics more compelling and easier to follow.

    Script Mode Support in Comic Previews

    In addition to our existing preview modes, we now support a script mode in comic previews. This new feature enables creators to visualize their stories in a script-like format, providing a new perspective on narrative structure and dialogue.

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    We're committed to continuously improving our platform to meet the needs of our creative community. These updates are designed to empower creators with more tools and flexibility, enhancing the overall comic creation process. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing the incredible stories you'll tell with these new features!




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    Previous releases


    June 17, 2024

    LlamaGen.Ai 0.55.0: AI Comic Studio Update: Multi-Language Support, Responsive Mobile Comics, and More!

    AI Comic Studio Update: Multi-Language Support, Responsive Mobile Comics, and More!


    June 9, 2024

    LlamaGen.Ai 0.54.0: LlamaGen.Ai Enhances Comic Creation with New Features: Background Removal, Custom Characters, and More

    LlamaGen.Ai Enhances Comic Creation with New Features: Background Removal, Custom Characters, and Mo


    June 3, 2024

    LlamaGen.Ai 0.53.0: Empowering Artists: New AI Comic Studio Features

    Empowering Artists: New AI Comic Studio Features


    May 29, 2024

    LlamaGen.Ai 0.52.0: Enhance Your Comic Creation with New Modal, Sticker, and Anime Styles

    Enhance Your Comic Creation with New Modal, Sticker, and Anime Styles

    Fastest growing community of AI artists that learn and grow together

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