What's New
April 1, 2024

LlamaGen.Ai 0.32.0: Visual and Navigation Enhancements, New Dashboard Feedback Feature

    We're thrilled to introduce a fresh update for LlamaGen.Ai, bringing visual enhancements to the Landing Page, an updated bottom navigation, and a new Feedback feature on the Dashboard. Here's a breakdown of the latest improvements:

    Landing Page Visual Refresh

    We've given our Landing Page a visual overhaul to provide a more engaging and aesthetically pleasing experience for our users. The new design elements aim to make navigation more intuitive and showcase our features in a more compelling way.

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    Updated Bottom Navigation on Landing Page

    To improve user experience, we've updated the bottom navigation bar on the Landing Page. This update is focused on streamlining the navigation process, making it easier for users to find what they're looking for and access different sections of the site with ease. alt text

    Dashboard Now Includes Feedback Functionality

    Listening to our community is a top priority, and to facilitate this, we've added a Feedback feature to the Dashboard. This new functionality allows users to easily provide their thoughts and suggestions directly within the platform, helping us to continue improving and evolving LlamaGen.Ai based on your valuable input. alt text

    We're dedicated to enhancing your experience with LlamaGen.Ai and are confident that these updates will make your comic creation journey even more enjoyable. As always, we're eager to hear your feedback on these new features and thank you for being a part of our creative community!

    Landing Page


    User Feedback

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    Previous releases


    June 17, 2024

    LlamaGen.Ai 0.55.0: AI Comic Studio Update: Multi-Language Support, Responsive Mobile Comics, and More!

    AI Comic Studio Update: Multi-Language Support, Responsive Mobile Comics, and More!


    June 9, 2024

    LlamaGen.Ai 0.54.0: LlamaGen.Ai Enhances Comic Creation with New Features: Background Removal, Custom Characters, and More

    LlamaGen.Ai Enhances Comic Creation with New Features: Background Removal, Custom Characters, and Mo


    June 3, 2024

    LlamaGen.Ai 0.53.0: Empowering Artists: New AI Comic Studio Features

    Empowering Artists: New AI Comic Studio Features


    May 29, 2024

    LlamaGen.Ai 0.52.0: Enhance Your Comic Creation with New Modal, Sticker, and Anime Styles

    Enhance Your Comic Creation with New Modal, Sticker, and Anime Styles

    Fastest growing community of AI artists that learn and grow together

    Join our discord server to connect with other artists, share your work, and get feedback from the community.