What's New
April 5, 2024

LlamaGen.Ai 0.35.0: Introducing Yearly Subscription Discounts, New Alternatives Channel, and Enhanced Homepage Features

    We're excited to roll out version 0.35.0 of LlamaGen.Ai, packed with updates designed to enrich your experience and provide more value to our community. Here's what's new in this update:

    Yearly Subscription Discounts

    We're now offering a 20% discount on our yearly subscriptions! This is our way of saying thank you to our community for your ongoing support. Enjoy all the premium features of LlamaGen.Ai at a more affordable price.

    New Alternatives Channel

    Explore a wide array of creative possibilities with our newly added Alternatives Channel at https://llamagen.ai/alternatives. This channel is dedicated to showcasing different tools and features that can enhance your comic and art creation journey.

    Enhanced Homepage Features

    Our homepage has been revamped to include a comprehensive list of features, making it easier for you to navigate and utilize LlamaGen.Ai's capabilities. From multi-image art generation to enhanced comic creation, discover all that our platform has to offer right from the start.

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    These updates are part of our commitment to continuously improve and expand our services to meet the needs of our creative community. We're thrilled to bring these new features to you and can't wait to see the amazing art and comics you'll create. Thank you for choosing LlamaGen.Ai, and happy creating!



    New Channel



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    Previous releases


    June 17, 2024

    LlamaGen.Ai 0.55.0: AI Comic Studio Update: Multi-Language Support, Responsive Mobile Comics, and More!

    AI Comic Studio Update: Multi-Language Support, Responsive Mobile Comics, and More!


    June 9, 2024

    LlamaGen.Ai 0.54.0: LlamaGen.Ai Enhances Comic Creation with New Features: Background Removal, Custom Characters, and More

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    June 3, 2024

    LlamaGen.Ai 0.53.0: Empowering Artists: New AI Comic Studio Features

    Empowering Artists: New AI Comic Studio Features


    May 29, 2024

    LlamaGen.Ai 0.52.0: Enhance Your Comic Creation with New Modal, Sticker, and Anime Styles

    Enhance Your Comic Creation with New Modal, Sticker, and Anime Styles

    Fastest growing community of AI artists that learn and grow together

    Join our discord server to connect with other artists, share your work, and get feedback from the community.