What's New
April 7, 2024

LlamaGen.Ai 0.36.0: Streamlines Comic Book Management and Enhances User Prompts Interface

    We are proud to present version 0.35.0 of LlamaGen.Ai, which brings streamlined comic book management and an improved user interface for prompts. Here's a breakdown of the latest enhancements:

    Comic Book Renaming Support

    Users now have the ability to rename their comic books, providing greater flexibility and control over their creations. This feature was highly requested and we're delighted to deliver it, ensuring that your work reflects your vision perfectly.

    Comic Book Deletion Support

    With the new update, managing your comic book library is easier than ever. You can now delete comic books that you no longer need, helping you to keep your workspace organized and focused on your current projects.

    Expandable and Collapsible Prompt Input Field

    The prompt input field has been upgraded to be expandable and collapsible, making it more user-friendly. This enhancement allows for a cleaner interface and a more efficient workflow, especially when working with longer or more complex prompts.

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    These updates are part of our ongoing efforts to improve the usability and functionality of LlamaGen.Ai for our community of artists and creators. We're excited to see how these new features will support your creativity and productivity. Thank you for your continued support, and we can't wait to see what you'll create next!

    Comic Book Management

    User Interface




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    Previous releases


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