

The Soul Returned

Henry sold his soul years ago, but even the devil couldn’t handle its burden. Now, with his soul unexpectedly returned, what will Henry do with a second chance?

June 21, 2024

The panel shows Henry lounging on a tattered recliner in a dimly lit, cluttered living room. There's an old TV set in the background emitting a faint glow. Henry has a scruffy appearance, with unkempt hair and a five o’clock shadow. His eyes are half-closed, showing boredom and apathy. The room is in disarray, with stacks of newspapers, empty beer cans, and pizza boxes scattered around.

Henry’s mundane evening was about to take a turn for the surreal.

Henry’s mundane evening was about to take a turn for the surreal.

A puff of sulfur-filled smoke fills the room, causing Henry to sit upright in surprise. Lucifer, the devil, stands there in an uncharacteristically tired state. He has red skin, horns, and wears a tattered suit. His shoulders are slumped, and there's a weary expression on his face. Henry looks puzzled, one eyebrow raised, as he stares at Lucifer.

Things got interesting when an unexpected guest showed up.

Things got interesting when an unexpected guest showed up.

Henry is now holding a glowing orb in his lap, looking at it with a mix of confusion and curiosity. Lucifer stands in front of him, gesturing toward the orb. Henry’s expression shows he's proud but confused. Lucifer's expression reveals frustration and exasperation. The orb emits a soft light, casting a glow on Henry's face.

'I guess I’ve out-deviled the devil.'

'I guess I’ve out-deviled the devil.'

Lucifer vanishes in another puff of sulfur smoke, leaving Henry alone, still holding the glowing orb. Henry looks contemplative, staring at the orb with a thoughtful expression. The background shows the living room unchanged, with clutter and dim lighting. There is a sense of newfound significance in Henry's posture.

Left alone with his soul and a second chance, what would Henry do next?

Left alone with his soul and a second chance, what would Henry do next?